To find solutions for New York’s public housing crisis, CHPC has looked to other cities to show that change is possible. . In 2019, CHPC invited a group from London to share lessons from their experiences regenerating public housing over the last 40 years. CHPC hosted the group at meetings with City Hall, City Council, and NYCHA tenant leaders, as well as at a public panel event. The visit provided an opportunity for New York City policymakers and NYCHA residents to hear about how England solved an even larger public housing crisis than the one NYCHA faces today.
This report draws on the key principles and ideas distilled from that visit and from subsequent research conducted by CHPC.
CHPC identified three principles that have enabled the transformation of Englands public housing stock:
The report concludes with an overview of primary source documents, providing an in-depth resource for practitioners who want to dive deeper into the specific tools used in the regeneration of Englands public housing. All of the documents (including minutes from meetings with residents, a procurement timeline and a confidentiality agreement) can be downloaded from CHPCs Resident Engagement Toolkit below!
The Resident Engagement Toolkit gives an overview of primary source documents from England, providing an in-depth resource for practitioners who want to dive deeper into the specific tools used in the regeneration of Englands public housing.
Some documents report back on the work stakeholders have done with each other; some documents dictate the rules and regulations that enable a fair and equitable partnership; and others outline how resident engagement aligns with the overall mission of housing development and management.
The toolkit provides a summary of each document along with a quote pulled from each, to give readers a brief overview of their contents. All documents were provided to CHPC by groups that are currently involved in, or have completed, the process of regenerating public housing in England.
All documents are available for download from the online version of the Resident Engagement Toolkit below.
Toolkit key
Each document is assigned an icon, based on its primary user. However, most documents can be used by multiple stakeholders.
Key documents
Residents at Westhorpe Gardens and Mills Grove Estate used this ballot to vote in favor of the regeneration plan for their estate. The proposed plan includes the demolition of over 100 units, replacing them and constructing new market-rate housing. All residents are given the right to return.
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