The CHPC board shares the conviction that by bringing all viewpoints together we can develop and advance practical public policies that will improve housing and neighborhoods for all New Yorkers. CHPC staff rely on the diverse and invaluable insights that the board provides to guide the organization’s work and as a key research resource.


Richard Roberts, Principal & Managing Director
Red Stone Equity Partners

Mark E. Ginsberg, FAIA, Partner
Curtis + Ginsberg Architects LLP

Samantha Magistro, Chief Executive Officer
Bronx Pro Group

Matthew Petrula, Group VP

Joseph Lynch,
Nixon Peabody



Executive Board

Hercules Argyriou, Vice President
Mega Contracting

Robert Ezrapour, Vice President
Artimus Construction, Inc.

Paul Freitag, Executive Director
West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing

Kirk Goodrich, Director of Real Estate Development
Monadnock Development

Aileen Gribbin, Partner
Forsyth Street Advisors

Marvin Markus, Consultant

Amelia Rideau, Chief Legal Officer
Genesis Companies

Matthew Rooney, Chief Executive Officer
MDG Design & Construction

Jessica Sherman, Senior Vice President
Douglaston Development

Richard C. Singer, Partner
Hirschen Singer & Epstein LLP

William Stein, FAIA, Partner
Dattner Architects

Board Members

Sandra P. Acosta, Principal
Aim Development Group

Simon Bacchus, Director of Development
The Arker Companies

Richard Barth, Executive Vice President

Stuart Beckerman, Partner
Hirschen Singer & Epstein, LLP

Patrick Blanchfield, Vice President

Anthony Borelli, Senior VP of Planning & Development & Development
Edison Properties

Alex Brito, Principal
RKTB Architects, P.C

Thomas Brown, Vice President
Trinity Financial, Inc

Thomas Campbell, Managing Member
Thorobird Companies

Louise Carroll, Partner & Co-Chair, Affordable Housing

Rafael Cestero, President, CEO
Community Preservation Corporation

Emily Chen, Vice President
National Equity Fund

James P. Colgate, Partner
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP

Andrew Cohen, Director
BRP Development Companies

Bret Collazzi, Partner
HR&A Advisors

Jill Crawford, 

James S. Davidson, AIA
SLCE Architects

Monica Dean, Director of Housing

Beatriz De la Torre, Chief Philanthropy Officer
Trinity Wall Street

Douglas D. Durst, Chairman
Durst Organization

Neil Falcone, Vice President
Chicago Title Insurance Company

Deborah Gans, Principal
Gans and Company

Richard Gerwitz, Managing Director
Citi Community Capital

Jim Gillespie, Senior Vice President
Bellwether Enterprise Real Estate Capital, LLC

Sally Gilliland, Director of Architecture
The Hudson Companies

Elliott M. Glass, AIA, Owner/Architect
Glass & Glass Architects

Alexander Gorlin, Principal
Alexander Gorlin Architects

Rick Gropper, Principal
Camber Property Group, LLC

Amie Gross, AIA, President
Amie Gross Architects

David E. Gross, AIA, Partner
GF55 Architects

Baaba Halm, Vice President & New York Market Leader
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc

Timothy Henkel, Principal & Senior VP
Pennrose Properties, LLC

Larry E. Hirschfield, President

William N. Hubbard, President
Center Development Corporation

Marcie Kesner, Planning and Development Specialist

Aaron Koffman, CEO & Principal
Milestone Development

Emily Kurtz, Vice President, Housing

Deborah Clark Lamm, Planning Consultant

Phil Lavoie, Chief Operating Officer
Gotham Organization

Robert O. Lehrman, J.D., Advisory Board Chairman
Lodestone Banking Consultancy

Nicholas Lettire, President & CEO
Lettire Construction Corp.

Jeremy Levkoff, Relationship Manager
Belveron Partners

Richard Lobel, Principal
Sheldon Lobel, PC

Michael Lohr, Managing Director
Fundamental Advisors LP

Brian Loughlin AIA, Principal
Magnusson Architecture and Planning PC

Kenneth K. Lowenstein, Partner
Holland & Knight

Philippe Martelly, Associate Principal
Dattner Architects

Moshe McKie-Krisberg, President
Richman Housing Resources

Ron Moelis, CEO
L+M Development Partners Inc.

Niall Murray, Managing Principal & Founder
Rockabill Development

Perry Notias, Owner
Notias Construction

Michael Nyamekye, Director of Development
Dantes Partners

Anthony Richardson, Managing Director, NY Syndications

James Riso, Principal
Briarwood Organization

Joseph B. Rose, Principal
Rose Urban Strategies

Carol Rosenthal, Partner
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson

David Rowe, Executive VP
CAMBA Housing Ventures

Matthew Schatz, Vice President
TD Bank

David Schwartz, Principal
Slate Property Group

Avery B. Seavey, Principal
The Seavey Organization, Inc.

Paul D. Selver
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP

Nadir Settles, Global Head of Real Estate Impact Investing
Nuveen Real Estate

Wendi Shafran, Principal
FXCollaborative Architects, LLP

Ethel Sheffer, AICP, Principal
Insight Associates

Jane Silverman, Executive Director, Community Development
JP Morgan Chase

Brian Smalley, Senior Vice President
Apple Bank

Meenakshi Srinivasan, Senior Principal
Cozen O’Connor, Public Strategies

Mark E. Strauss, FAIA, AICP, Senior Partner
FXCollaborative Architects LLP

David Walsh, Senior Vice President
JP Morgan Chase

Adam Weinstein, President and CEO
Phipps Houses

Alan H. Wiener, Managing Director
Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital

Mark A. Willis, Senior Policy Fellow
Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy

Emily Youssouf, Consultant


Peter Salins