
Public health concerns were the original driver of government intervention in New York City’s housing stock. Historically, creating and enforcing housing quality standards focused on controlling the spread of infectious diseases and improving the health of residents in the city.

Housing policy is health policy

Today, our health and our housing are still connected, especially for households living in poverty.

Housing policy is health policy. Asthma and lead poisoning are primarily caused by exposure to poor housing conditions such as mold and lead paint. High housing costs mean that families have less to spend on medical needs and healthy food. The trauma of homelessness causes lasting emotional and physical health problems. New York City’s next housing plan could address health disparities by prioritizing metrics that measure health outcomes, harnessing the power of our housing policy to help New Yorkers build a healthy life.

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RX for Housing: Housing is Healthcare is part of A New Lens for NYC’s Housing Plan, CHPC’s research and education initiative to explore how New York City’s next housing plan could have a broader impact beyond counting units. The next housing plan provides an opportunity for communities and policymakers to widen the discussion, articulate new metrics, and develop a shared vision of housing policy for the city.

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