Obtaining and maintaining housing support in NYC is a complex, costly and time-consuming job for precisely those who these programs exist to help.
New York City has a patchwork of social safety net programs cobbled together from federal, state and city funding sources, creating a complicated mix of procedural and eligibility requirements that rely on an army of case managers and navigators, who are also tasked with navigating the systems’ inefficiencies.
Our bureaucratic systems aren’t designed for efficiency. Often, they are not even designed for results. Part of the problem is a social safety net that was designed with the “deserving poor” in mind, creating an assumption that if someone needs help badly enough, he or she will persist through the gauntlet of requirements, and that if we make it too easy, people who don’t really “need” the help will gain access.
Tonight, tens of thousands of New Yorkers, including children, are homeless. The City alone spends more than $1 billion on shelters, and numerous other government, nonprofit, and private stakeholders are devoting increasing resources towards addressing this critical issue. With scarce affordable housing options to address the homeless crisis, it is essential that we optimize the resources that we have available, place the applicant in the center of the process, and make the process as efficient as possible.
Brutal Bureaucracy is a multi-year CHPC initiative focused on better understanding the impact of our bureaucratic processes in obtaining housing support in NYC, dissecting the processes, and developing strategies for reform.
In late 2021, we released the first paper in this initiative focused on how long it takes for tenants to move into new affordable housing through NYC’s lottery process. The paper revealed that on average it takes 371 days to fill all the units in a NYC housing lottery, despite units being available and ready for occupancy. The study received a huge amount of media and political attention and paved the way for a renewed priority within City government on making it faster for applicants to receive housing support and to center users in the application process.
CHPC continues to focus on the Brutal Bureaucracy of obtaining housing support. Forthcoming projects will include: additional analysis of the speed of the process with multivariate analysis, recommendations for process improvements, and best practices in the allocation of affordable housing in other global cities.
Key Findings
Using a new tranche of more granular and inclusive lottery data, CHPC expanded upon its previous analysis of how long it takes for tenants to move into new affordable lottery units.
The resulting analysis of lottery durations (marketing start to lease-up) and unit vacancy durations (TCO/CO to lease-up) found that:
These and other findings highlight the importance of the routine compilation and monitoring of lease-up data to support ongoing process improvement. CHPC also recommends the exploration of alternative models, including the piloting of audit-based placement systems.