The Department of City Planning proposed a Zoning Resolution text amendment to mandate bicycle storage in all new construction. In January 2009, CHPC submitted a full Policy Brief and testified in opposition to this proposal. Our testimony centered on the unprecedented cost burden this would place on developers and the lack of demonstrated benefit for such a significant amendment.

Read our policy brief here.

Update: Following our testimony, the City Planning Commission modified the amendment. One modification provided for a reduction or waiver of the bicycle parking requirement by the Commissioner of Buildings for affordable housing developments provided that the Commissioner of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development has submitted a letter certifying that:

  • at least 50% of the dwelling units are income-restricted through a subsidy program;
  • there is insufficient space within the building for an accessory parking garage;
  • construction of additional space for bicycle parking would conflict with subsidy limitations; and
  • bike parking spaces would be reduced by the minimum amount necessary.

On April 22, 2009, the City Council adopted the Bicycle Parking Text Amendment.

Jerilyn Perine, February 4, 2009
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