2025 Annual Luncheon

Wednesday, April 23, 2025 Times Square Marriott Marquis 11:30am-2:00pm Become a sponsor

Since 1937, CHPC has provided analysis and insight into the housing and planning issues New York City faces, and practical policy recommendations to shine a light on the path ahead. Our ability to come together over creative solutions is a source of strength as our city faces novel challenges, external threats, and heightened uncertainty.

We hope you will join CHPC at our 65th Annual Luncheon on April 23, 2025, as we gather with New Yorks housing and planning community to celebrate some of the exceptional people who have illuminated the path forward for us all with their inspiration, commitment, and resourcefulness.

Pledge your support today by choosing one of our sponsorship levels:

Sponsorship levels

  • 20 luncheon seats with premium table placement and company name on table
  • Top recognition on event materials
  • Headline acknowledgement from the podium
  • Table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books for guests to take home
  • Company logo displayed on ballroom screens along with optional congratulatory message for event awardees
  • Company logo printed on CHPC merchandise and event marketing materials
  • Premium placement of company logo with link on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Full-page digital company advertisement and additional full-page advertisement for a non-profit of your choice
  • $36,800 tax deductible
  • 10 luncheon seats with premium table placement and company name on table
  • Recognition on cover page of bio book
  • Acknowledgement from the podium
  • Table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books for guests to take home
  • Company logo displayed on ballroom screens along with optional congratulatory message for event awardees
  • Company logo printed on CHPC merchandise and event marketing materials
  • Premium placement of company logo with link on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Full-page digital company advertisement and additional full-page advertisement for a non-profit of your choice
  • $23,400 tax deductible
  • 10 luncheon seats with premium table placement and company name on table
  • Placement of company logo on attendee name badges
  • Acknowledgement from the podium
  • Table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books for guests to take home
  • Company logo displayed on ballroom screens along with optional congratulatory message for event awardees
  • Company logo printed on CHPC merchandise and event marketing materials
  • Premium placement of company logo with link on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Full-page digital company advertisement and additional full-page advertisement for a non-profit of your choice
  • $18,400 tax deductible
  • 10 luncheon seats with top table placement and company name on table
  • Opportunity to select sponsorship of event reception, CHPC Book Club, or donut dessert for attendees on luncheon tables
  • Table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books for guests to take home
  • Company logo displayed on ballroom screens along with optional congratulatory message for event awardees
  • Company logo printed on CHPC merchandise and event marketing materials
  • Premium placement of company logo with link on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Full-page digital company advertisement and additional full-page advertisement for a non-profit of your choice
  • $13,400 tax deductible
  • 10 luncheon seats with insider table placement and company name on table
  • Table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books for guests to take home
  • Company logo displayed on ballroom screens, printed materials, and event marketing materials
  • Prominent placement of company logo with link on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Full-page digital company advertisement and additional full-page advertisement for a non-profit of your choice
  • $10,900 tax deductible
  • 10 luncheon seats with insider table placement and company name on table
  • Table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books for guests to take home
  • Company logo displayed on printed materials and event marketing materials
  • Prominent placement of company logo with link on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Full-page digital advertisement
  • $8,400 tax deductible
  • 10 luncheon seats with preferred table placement and company name on table
  • Acknowledgement of company name on printed materials and event marketing materials
  • Company link with name displayed on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Half-page digital advertisement
  • $6,750 tax deductible
  • Optional add-on: For an additional $1,000 ($650 tax deductible), table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books and CHPC merchandise for guests to take home
  • 10 luncheon seats and company name on table
  • Company name with link displayed on CHPC’s website for one year
  • Quarter-page digital advertisement
  • $3,750 tax deductible
  • Optional add-on: For an additional $1,000 ($650 tax deductible), table centerpiece of 10-15 housing and planning books and CHPC merchandise for guests to take home


More awardees to be announced soon!



Director, NYC Department of City Planning & Chairman, NYC City Planning Commission



The Bridge

Name Badge Sponsors

Event Feature Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Curtis + Ginsberg Architects

Gilbane Development Company

GRC Management


The Hudson Companies and Broadway Builders

Silver Sponsors

A.A.D. Construction Corp.


Apple Bank

Belveron Partners

CAMBA Housing Ventures


Dattner Architects

Durst Organization

Forsyth Street


Herrick Feinstein 

HR&A Advisors

Hudson Housing Capital/Procida Companies

New York State Homes and Community Renewal

Richman Housing Resources