On Wednesday, April 13, 2016, CHPC hosted its 57thAnnual Luncheon. The event was a great success, with almost 1,000 members of New York Citys housing industry in attendance at the Marriott Grand Marquis in Times Square.
The events honorees were Jeffrey Levine of Douglaston Development; Louise Carroll of the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development; James Rubin, Commissioner of NYS Homes and Community Renewal; and Mariadele Priest on behalf of Capital One Bank.
This years Impact Award for Community Investment went to Capital One Bank; Mariadele Priest accepted this award as part of this great team and on behalf of the rest of her colleagues. Introduced by Bob Lehrman, Capital Ones acceptance can be seen below.
In honor of former CHPC Executive Director and NYC housing commissioner Roger Starr, whose namesake award went this year to Jamie Rubin, the events program included selected quotes and remembrances of the dynamic Starr. We also celebrated the passage of the Zoning for Quality and Affordability and Mandatory Inclusionary Housing amendments to the citys zoning resolution with a fun video. This years Roger Starr Public Service Awardee, Jamie Rubin, was presented by Richard Roberts.
CHPC was pleased to present the 2016 Impact Award for Housing to Jeff Levine, a New York City native whose work has helped transform many neighborhoods around the city. Filmmaker Joanna Arnow produced a lovely film in honor of Jeff. Arnows short video in honor of Jeff can be seen below, along with Jeffs acceptance of this years Impact Award for Housing below.
HPD Commissioner Vicki Been gave a warm introduction to the recipient of this years Ibo Balton Award for Community Planning, Louise Carroll. CHPC was proud to recognize the hard work and achievements of Louise, currently Associate Commissioner of Housing Incentives. This years Ibo Balton Award can be seen below, presented by Commissioner Been and the Ibo Balton Selection Committee.
CHPC would like to thank our sponsors, Douglaston Development, Nixon Peabody, and Douglaston Development, for their generous support of this years Luncheon.See you next year!
NYS Commissioner of Homes and Community Renewal
In May 2015, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the appointment of James (Jamie) Rubin as Commissioner of NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), the agency charged with carrying out the Governor’s $1 billion House NY plan and financing the development and preservation of affordable housing statewide. Jamie joined HCR from the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR), where he served as the Executive Director, overseeing and creating programs to disburse $4.4 billion in disaster recovery funds allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Associate Commissioner of Housing Incentives, NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development
Born in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Louise Carroll has had a unique and exciting trajectory, landing ultimately in New York City. While born in St. Croix, Louise attended school in St. Lucia. At an early age, she expressed hopes of working in international affairs. This interest stemmed from her childhood on a small island and experiences of how the world affected small places differently—an interest that later translated into housing. Louise currently serves as Associate Commissioner of Housing Incentives at HPD, where she oversees all aspects of tax incentives and inclusionary housing policy and implementation.
On behalf of the Community Finance, Community Development Banking, and Community Affairs teams
Senior Vice President of Community Investment Banking, Capital One
At the heart of Capital One’s community development strategy in New York City has been an extraordinary commitment to support affordable housing and economic development initiatives through a comprehensive approach to develop affordable and healthy neighborhoods.
Chairman, Douglaston Development
Soon after attending City College, Jeff had an interesting decision to make: take on an apprenticeship as an architect or continue in construction. The choice was easy. Jeff started his company in his rental apartment in Douglaston, Queens in 1979. Since its inception, Jeff has directed the new construction or rehabilitation of thousands of residential units, including both affordable and luxury housing, student housing, hotels, senior living, health care facilities, and millions of square feet of commercial retail, office, and institutional space.
Check out photos from the event.
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