The City of Yes is not the invention of an individual but rather the culmination of decades of research and experience with zoning and housing.

The City of Yes, before the City Council today, is the boldest approach that New York has put forth to escape our housing shortage, and it builds upon what we’ve learned about what works and what doesn’t.

A generational shift is underway. The Yes to Housing coalition, comprised of more than 140 housing organizations from across New York, has come together to support the City of Yes changes. AARP has encouraged New York to advance “accessory dwelling unit” reforms that have been embraced in other cities. And a new generation of political leaders has stepped up to embrace this broad vision, with four of five borough presidents expressing their support. A new poll of registered New York City voters shows that a whopping 71% support the changes, with only 22% opposed.

We need to seize this unique opportunity for the millions of New Yorkers counting on the city to address a housing shortage.

Read more at the New York Daily News.

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